Bashkëpunuan në arratisjen e Tafilit,pranga 10 policëve. Prokuroria e rrethit të Shkodrës ka prerë 10 fletë arresti për arratisjen e të dënuarit Admir Tafili. Tetë policë të grupit të shoqërimit, shefi i policise së burgut të Shënkollit ...
Looking for some ways to dramatically transform your home for the holidays? Staron and Pranga (known as ?Dr. Christmas?) offer a dazzling variety of possibilities?from Victorian to Country Warmth to Tropical Delight. .... Thirteen-year-old Ben is annoyed by an eleven-year-old, know-it-all girl who threatens the fun of his family's vacation in the Florida Keys, but he has other worries, especially anxiety about his friend's reaction when she opens the necklace he gave her ...
Pranga Bookstore, Carroll Gardens Despite the seemingly disaffected hipster working the register and the name, which brings to mind some sort of cult, this cozy and well-organized bookstore is neither pretentious nor sacrifice-minded. .... community bookstore is going on summer ?vacation? in mid july so they are having a huge sale where tons of books are $1 or less. so chances are if you go soon, you will find some great deals if you don't mind doing some digging. they ...